What is Search Volume Search Volume is the expected number of searches for a keyword in a given time period. Search volume can be used as a measure in conducting keyword research analysis to assess the potential for traffic or traffic on search engines for certain keywords. Calculating keyword search volume is also an important part of content optimization, as it shows the relevance of a particular keyword.

Results that can be inaccurate and fluctuate
Metrics in calculating search volume can never be accurately recorded and evaluated, so we only estimate and make projections.
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There are also variations or fluctuations in keyword research or keyword search volume due to many factors. There may be large fluctuations over time if a topic is of seasonal interest. If an event is of interest only in a certain region, search volume extends primarily to that region. Examples include evaluations from Google Trends showing interest and potential search volume for the term “tourism in Bali”. Over time, searches peak every year during the holiday season.
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How to Get Keyword Search Volume Search Data
Before you start using keyword search volume data to inform your SEO or PPC strategy, here are some paid tools you can use to find and check your keyword search volume data.
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SEM Rush
SEMRush is a competitive intelligence tool offering users lots of useful data, including keyword search volume.
Track keyword search volume using SEM Rush
As you can see in the image above, SEMrush offers a quick dashboard view for certain keywords, in this case “ski jackets”. You can see the estimated average search volume, as well as CPC and query competitiveness. Graphics are provided of how keyword trends are changing over time, as well as related keywords and relevant phrase matches to the original query.
Note that the screenshot above is taken from a free search. Subscription plans are available for users who need more robust functionality and in-depth data, but this is a great place to start looking for keyword search volume data.
Moz Keyword Explorer
Moz not only does it run one of the best SEO and search blogs in the business. These tools are perfect for beginners to experts and are easier to use for digital marketers from all walks of life. One of Moz’s best tools for SEO is the Keyword Explorer.
The image above shows an example of a dashboard from Moz Keyword Explorer for the same term that SEMRush can use to evaluate, “ski jacket”. While there’s quite a bit of breadth in terms of overall keyword search volume – between 11.5k and 30.3k – we’re also provided with some other valuable data points, such as an intuitive indication of the term’s competitiveness (or “Difficulty”, as Moz puts it), said suggested relevant keys, as well as SERP analysis, which also shows Page and Domain Authority scores (more on this in a moment).
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Similar to SEMrush, Moz Keyword Explorer is free to use, but comes bundled with the Moz Pro suite of tools for advanced users. Overall, one of the best ways to start checking your browsing volume data.
Google Trends
Although it may not be as full-featured as SEM Rush or Moz Keyword Explorer, Google Trends you can use to evaluate keyword search volume data.
Google Trends offers some interesting perspectives on this type of data, such as geographic popularity, growth and decline data for specific terms, and related topics, which can be very useful for identifying branded terms associated with more general keywords. See Google Trends data for the term “ski jacket”:
Google Keyword Planner
You may have used Google Keyword Planner which is part of the AdWords interface. To do some keyword research beforehand. Google Keyword Planner is a great tool and offers a lot of useful data, especially if you’re doing keyword research as part of a PPC campaign.
Google Keyword Planner keyword search volume
The image above shows how Keyword Planner displays keyword search volume data. Here you can see your average monthly search volume over time (with timeframe parameters also available), and below this graph you’ll find suggested keywords and related ad groups that you’d expect from this kind of tool (not shown on this page). the picture above). You can also hover your mouse over each column in this graph to see an image of a tool tip, which is useful.
However, please note that following recent changes to the AdWords interface, this data is now only available to users running active AdWords campaigns.
ALSO READ : What is Keyword Density? Importance for SEO
Which Keyword Search Volume Should You Target?
Whether you are an SEO, PPC specialist, or digital marketing generalist, keyword search volume is an important metric that is often overlooked in favor of other metrics like click-through rate. However, keyword search volume should be part of the foundation on which your efforts should be built – but how do you know which volume range to target?
Balancing Search Volume with Competition
Regarding search volume or keyword search volume, there are two main factors to consider: volume and competitiveness. Higher volume keywords mean more potential exposure (or impression share), but are likely to be much more competitive. This, in turn, makes it harder to rank for these terms because you may be up against big publishers and sites, or a higher CPC if you bid on these terms as part of a paid search campaign.
Evaluate average monthly search volume for ad group vs. competition
Knowing the type of terms to target depends a lot on your situation and goals. If your website is new, you may want to start by targeting low-volume, low-competition keywords as a starting point for building domain authority. Or, if your website is old and well-known with strong organic rankings, you may want to delve into a slightly more competitive area to maintain your edge.
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How Website Authority Should Inform Your Targeting Strategy
When you’re doing SEO, there are thousands of potential factors that can affect your website’s page rank, including your location, the nature of your website or business, and the quality of your content (more on this in a moment).
Among these most important factors is your domain authority. Before we discuss how your site authority should inform your targeting strategy, let’s take a quick look at some of these terms.
What is Domain Authority?
While domain authority is a common SEO concept, it is also a defined metric created by our friends at Moz that evaluates the strength of a website (or domain) on a 0-100 logarithmic scale. The higher the value, the stronger the site.
What Metrics Affect Domain Authority?
Although Moz examines about 40 signals to determine domain authority, one of the most important is the sitelink profile.
Moz data (and independent research by leading SEOs around the world) strongly suggests a direct correlation between a strong link profile and higher organic rankings.
Your website link profile is affected by the number of external links to your website, links to your website from other websites and the quality of those links.