info@tanyadigital.com WA +62 8133 960 8150
info@tanyadigital.com WA +62 8133 960 8150


Yansens Charles
Peran Digital Marketing Agency
There are many different marketing responsibilities and duties that you can find that are unquestionably growing in demand as a result of the introduction of a new industry called digital marketing. Beginning with social networking, content authoring, and roles in SEO, which tries to improve websites for search engines like Google, we move on to...
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SEO adalah Proses Maraton
You’ve probably heard about search engine optimization, if you’ve started looking for an online marketing agency (SEO). If not, entering your website’s URL here is a quick way to see its SEO status. While reading articles about what SEO is and how it works, you must have seen page after page emphasizing the importance of...
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Apa itu User Intent? 4 Jenis Search Intent
Why Search Intent is Important for SEOPeople search for reasons other than curiosity. Every person who uses a search engine has a question or a topic in mind. The purpose is to locate the correct response to their inquiry or information on a particular subject.Earlier, keyword optimization was the main focus. Businesses concentrated on incorporating...
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Social Media Branding
Social media branding is the act of developing a distinctive and unique picture of your business across numerous social media platforms. You can transmit an emotional message to your audience by employing storytelling and digital tools that have an impact on these platforms.The Importance of Social Media BrandingNow that we’ve defined social media branding, let’s...
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Cara Menurunkan Bounce Rate Email
The email bounce rate is the number of emails sent to recipients that are undeliverable to their inbox.Email service providers and anti-spam networks monitor your bounce rate for each campaign you send and use it to determine whether or not they will receive emails from your company in the future.Apa itu Bounce RateYour email campaigns...
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Apa itu Brand Positioning
We live in an over-communicating society where information bombards us from everywhere. Advertising is so ingrained in our reality that it has become part of our culture and way of thinking.But how to stand out and grow your brand in this information chaos? How to promote your business and gain a competitive edge? That’s where...
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Apa Itu Niche Market
A Niche Market is a small part of a larger market that has its own specific needs, which differ from the larger market in some way. For example, the computer market is huge but there are specialized markets for student computers and gaming computers, which include different types of system requirements depending on the needs...
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Apa itu Target Audience
The basis of any effective marketing strategy is to have a clear audience. By understanding your target audience, you can tailor your content and ads to their needs, wants, and pain points, making your copy more appealing and attractive to potential customers. This is the best way to grab the attention of potential buyers and...
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Apa itu Segmentasi Pemasaran
This is a situation when marketing segmentation helps a corporation or business. Marketers can tailor their commercials and other marketing materials to better suit their target demographic by using marketing segmentation, also known as customer segmentation or digital marketing segmentation.What is Marketing Segmentation?Marketing segmentation is a strategy that allows you to identify the appropriate audience...
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Integrasi CRM dan Marketing Automation
It is not easy to implement an effective marketing strategy that attracts prospects and encourages them to become loyal customers. Fortunately, there are numerous technologies available to assist you in streamlining the process and managing your campaigns.Marketing automation software and customer relationship management platforms known as Customer Relationship Management are two examples of such technologies...
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Tanya Digital adalah Digital Marketing Agency Bali terbaik dan profesional berpengalaman yang membantu usaha membangun awareness dan membantu kehadiran bisnis secara online dengan strategi yang akurat dan memberikan hasil nyata.

Sebagai Digital Marketing Bali kami akan memberikan ide baru untuk meningkatkan hasil pencarian Anda secara organik, kampanye iklan berbayar yang lebih profesional dan menguntungkan, kami Jasa Digital Marketing Bali akan terus memberikan strategi inovatif untuk menghubungkan bisnis Anda dengan audiens online yang tepat.

Best SEO Agency Tanyadigital.com
Best SEO Agency Tanyadigital.com
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