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Best Guide: How to Find SEO Writers for Company Article or Blog in Singapore

If you’re a business owner or marketer in Singapore, you know how crucial it is to have a strong online presence. And at the core of any successful SEO strategy is high-quality, keyword-optimized content. From educational blog posts to sales pages and product descriptions, the copy on your website plays a pivotal role in attracting your target audience and improving search rankings.

However, finding writers who truly understand SEO best practices and can craft content that resonates with both human readers and search engines alike is no easy feat. With so many self-proclaimed “SEO experts” out there, how can you separate the wheat from the chaff?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through the process of sourcing, evaluating and managing top-notch SEO writers for your company’s website or blog in Singapore. Whether you need to produce a steady stream of blog content or an occasional batch of pages, following these steps will help ensure you end up with SEO writing services that can deliver the goods.

Understanding SEO Writing

Before we dive into where to find skilled SEO writers, it’s important to understand what separates them from general copywriters or content creators. SEO writing is a specialized skill that combines:

  • Solid writing abilities to produce engaging, high-quality content
  • Strong research skills for keyword analysis and understanding search intent  
  • Technical knowledge of on-page optimization factors like title tags, meta descriptions, heading tags etc.
  • Proven strategies for increasing a page’s topical authority and expertise/authoritativeness/trustworthiness (E-A-T)

While a talented writer can certainly learn SEO skills, hiring someone who already has this experience can save a lot of time and effort in getting content noticed by search engines.

Key Elements of Effective SEO Content

When evaluating potential SEO writers or reviewing content they’ve produced, look for pieces that exhibit:

Thorough, Well-Researched Content

The days of keyword-stuffing 300-word blog posts are long gone. Google wants to see comprehensive, in-depth content that leaves no question unanswered for the searcher’s query. This means going beyond just defining a topic to providing examples, instructions, data, quotes from experts, and exploring related sub-topics.  

Engaging, Readable Writing Style    

Even the most optimized content won’t perform well if it’s dry, jargon-filled, or difficult to read. Strong SEO writing keeps the audience engaged through techniques like:

SEO Agency Enterprise

  • Using conversational language and the second person “you” 
  • Breaking up text with sections, bullet points and visuals
  • Sprinkling in humor, stories or analogies to illustrate points 
  • Varying sentence structure and avoiding long, complex paragraphs

Naturally Incorporating Target Keywords

Experienced SEO writers know how to work in focus keywords and related terms in a way that sounds natural and reads smoothly, rather than shoehorning them in unnaturally. They’ll also strategically place terms in important structural elements like:

  • Title tag and H1
  • Subheadings (H2, H3 etc)
  • First 100 words of content  
  • Alt text for images
  • Meta description

By striking this balance between optimizing for search engines and keeping things compelling for human readers, talented SEO writers can seriously elevate your content marketing efforts.

Where to Find Top SEO Writers in Singapore

Now that we’ve established what to look for in an SEO writer, let’s go over some of the best places to find them if you’re based in Singapore.

Freelance Job Boards & Marketplaces

Jasa Pembuatan Website

One of the most common methods is to post your project on a freelance job board or marketplace like:

  • Upwork
  • Fiverr 
  • PeoplePerHour


  • Large pool of writers to choose from 
  • Can find affordable options
  • Ability to vet writers through testing, reviews etc.


  • Have to sift through a lot of low-quality candidates
  • Language/communication barriers with some writers
  • Writers may not specialize in SEO

If you do use one of these platforms, clearly specify in the job post that you need an “SEO writer” with ample experience in keyword research, on-page optimization, and content strategy. You can use screening questions and test assignments to weed out those without these skills.

It’s also a good idea to prioritize writers located in Singapore whenever possible to avoid any miscommunication. And don’t be afraid to pay a higher rate for someone who demonstrates exceptional SEO writing abilities through their portfolio and samples.

Writer Marketplaces for SEO/Marketing Roles

There are also a number of online writer marketplaces geared specifically towards SEO, marketing and advertising roles such as:

  • WriterAccess
  • Constant Content
  • CopyPressed
  • iWriter 
  • Textbroker

While they may have fewer writers overall compared to generalized freelance sites, these platforms specialize in prescreening for marketing-focused talent. The databases allow filtering by credentials like industry experience, content type expertise, and search engine optimization skills.

You’ll likely pay a premium on these sites compared to generalized freelancer boards. However, the time saved by only viewing writers who actually have the relevant SEO capabilities may be worth it.

These sites also have processes in place for quality control, facilitating revisions, and settling disputes if you’re not satisfied with the end product.

Work With an SEO Agency in Singapore

If handling all aspects of finding, vetting, and managing SEO writers sounds like too much hassle, you could opt to outsource the entire process to a third-party digital marketing or SEO agency based in Singapore.

Reputable SEO agencies like Tanya Digital employ in-house teams of SEO content writers and strategists. As part of their services, they handle content ideation, optimization, promotion and link-building.   

While this option is likely the most expensive route, it allows you to completely hands-off content production to experts who live and breathe the latest SEO best practices. This can be worthwhile if you don’t have the time, skills or resources to dedicate someone internally to SEO content strategy.

Tap Your Professional Network

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of your own network for finding talented SEO writers in Singapore! Reach out to:

  • Other business owners, founders or marketers you know
  • Members of any professional/networking groups you belong to  
  • Friends, family members or former colleagues in relevant fields

Let them know you’re looking for recommendations on writers with specific skills in areas like SEO copywriting, keyword research, on-page optimization and content strategy. Your trusted contacts may be able to point you towards writers who have done exceptional work for them in the past.   

You could even post about your hiring needs on LinkedIn or other social media platforms where people in your industry tend to congregate online.

Evaluating and Hiring SEO Writers

Once you’ve identified some promising candidates through whichever sourcing channel, it’s time to thoroughly evaluate their skills before making any hiring decisions. Here’s a suggested review process:

1. Request Portfolio Samples

First, ask each prospective writer to provide links to several examples of published SEO content they’ve produced in the past. Ideally these will be pieces similar in style and topic to the content you need (i.e. blog posts, website pages, product descriptions etc.)

As you review the samples, look for signs that the writer understands how to optimize content like:

  • Using headers and content structure that flows logically 
  • Incorporating focus keywords and synonyms with proper density
  • Creating unique title tags and meta descriptions
  • Striking a balance between keyword targeting and readability
  • Covering topics with depth and resourcefulness

If the samples seem thin, keyword-stuffed or of poor writing quality, that’s an automatic red flag.

You can also plug a few of the writer’s sample pieces into a free tool like[WebFX’s TrueScore Grader to evaluate their on-page SEO elements.

2. Issue a Paid Test Assignment

For writers who make it past the initial portfolio review, the next step is to issue a paid test assignment. This allows you to directly evaluate their skills for your particular niche and content needs.  

The assignment should mimic the type of SEO content piece you need created, whether that’s:

  • A 1500-word blog post on a specific topic 
  • Optimized product descriptions for an ecommerce category
  • A few pages of website content like an About or Services page

Provide the writer with detailed instructions similar to what you’d give for a real project, such as:

  • Target keyword(s) to focus on
  • General topic overview and any necessary background information
  • Guidelines on desired word count, heading structure, etc.
  • Requirements for including statistical data, expert quotes or multimedia
  • Any stylistic preferences in terms of tone and audience

It’s a good practice to pay writers for these tests, even if the content doesn’t end up being used. Asking for full assignments with no compensation is considered poor etiquette.

During the testing process, you’ll want to evaluate things like:

  • How well they follow provided instructions
  • The quality of their spelling, grammar and general writing abilities  
  • If they properly implement on-page SEO elements like title tags
  • How they structure and format the content for readability
  • Whether they hit the target word count and include all required sections
  • Their ability to meet deadlines and communication responsiveness

You can use a grading rubric that scores writers on key areas and set a minimum threshold they must meet to proceed to the interview stage.

3. Conduct Interviews 

After the test assignments, schedule brief interviews with your top candidates (30-60 mins). This is your chance to ask more in-depth questions about their skills and experience.

Some sample interview questions to consider:

  • What is your process for keyword research and analysis? Listen for them to describe using reputable tools, analyzing search intent/content already ranking, identifying semantic keywords, etc.
  • How do you go about structuring content for both search engines and human readers? They should prioritize making content easy to skim/navigate while hitting technical requirements.
  • What are the most important on-page elements to optimize? How do you approach them? You want to hear about title tags, meta descriptions, subheadings, image alt text, etc.
  • How do you ensure a piece of content has proper topical authority and E-A-T? Things like content depth/comprehensiveness, including stats/data, featuring quotes from experts, and building out topic clusters all help.
  • What is your experience with different content types and industries? Look for relevance to your particular business/niche.
  • How do you continue to learn and stay up-to-date on SEO writing best practices? Active learning is key in this ever-evolving field.

You can also ask for examples of how they’ve approached certain SEO writing challenges and what their content process looks like for larger projects.

The goal is to get a feel for their technical SEO knowledge, critical thinking abilities, and overall writing approach to see if it aligns with your needs and philosophy.

4. Check Reviews & References

Once you’ve identified your top finalist(s) after interviews, it’s wise to do one final check on reviews, ratings, and references before extending an official hire.

For freelance writers, look at:

  • Their job profile ratings/feedback scores on sites like Upwork
  • Testimonials or client reviews on their personal website/portfolio
  • Any negative feedback or complaints that come up from a Google search

If working with an SEO agency, you’ll want to read through their case studies, client testimonials, and third-party reviews on sites like:

  • Yelp
  • Google Business Profile

You can also ask for 2-3 references that you can contact directly from former or current clients.

5. Discuss Rates & Terms

Assuming all other aspects check out, the final step is to discuss and negotiate rates, deliverable timelines, and any other project terms before officially bringing the writer(s) on board.

Here are some general rate ranges to expect for SEO writers in Singapore:

  • Freelance bloggers/writers: $0.03 – $0.12 per word
  • Experienced copywriters: $0.10 – $0.30+ per word  
  • SEO agencies: $500 – $5,000+ per month or project

Factors like experience level, turnaround times, volume discounts, and more can all influence rates on either end of those ranges.

Most freelance writers will provide a rate per word or per project. Agencies typically work based on recurring monthly retainers or one-off per-project fees.

Whatever pricing model you negotiate, be sure to get a clear understanding of things like:

  • Revision process and how many rounds are included
  • Ownership/licensing of created content
  • Exclusive writing agreements or non-competes
  • Payment schedules and accepted methods
  • Contracts and standard terms of service

The more thorough and clear you can be when finalizing these details upfront, the better your working relationship with the writer(s) will be.

Content QA and SEO Audits

Even after finding a great writer and providing clear direction, you’ll still want processes for reviewing and QA’ing content before it goes live.

Depending on your resources, this could involve:

  • Internal reviews by your marketing/SEO team 
  • Using online tools like [WebFX’s Content Tool or [SEM’s Content Audit Tool
  • Contracting a third-party content audit service

During QA, you’ll want to look for things like:

  • Adhering to your SEO style guide and standards
  • Including target keywords with proper density/placement
  • No keyword stuffing or broken HTML elements
  • Factual accuracy of any data, quotes or claims  
  • Consistent tone/voice and quality writing
  • Thorough coverage of topic and related subpoints

It’s helpful to provide your writers with a rubric or checklist of exactly what you’ll be evaluating. That way they know what to focus on from the start and can minimize revisions.

You may also do periodic spot checks or deeper SEO audits of published content to gauge performance metrics like:

  • Organic traffic growth over time
  • Average position/rankings for target keywords
  • Dwell times and bounce rates (engagement signals)
  • Conversions/sales attributed to that content
  • Backlink growth and referring domain authority

Using data-driven feedback like this can help your writers continually improve and learn what type of content resonates best with both humans and search engines.

ALSO READ : Complete SEO Guide: Beginner To Advanced Tips For Construction Companies In Singapore

Managing SEO Writers for Best Results 

Once you’ve gone through the hiring and vetting process, one of the most important things to focus on is properly managing and enabling your SEO writing team for success.

Here are some tips and best practices:

Provide Clear Creative Briefs & Guidelines

From the very start, you’ll want to develop a standardized creative brief template that specifies all the necessary details writers will need, such as:

Project Overview

  • Background on the topic, client, brand, industry etc.
  • Purpose and goals of the content (educate, sell, build links etc.)

Target Audience 

  • Who are the main personas/segments being targeted?
  • What level of expertise should the content be tailored to?
  • Any specific pain points, objections or desires to address?

Keyword & SEO Requirements

  • Primary focus keyword and any important related terms
  • Which specific headers/sections to include the keyword in
  • Any metadata specifications for title/description
  • Target word count and desired content structure
  • Topical authority standards (stats, expert quotes, multimedia etc.)

Style & Tone Direction

  • Overall content style and tone of voice (informal, authoritative, humorous etc.)
  • Examples of other content/brands to model the language after
  • Any specific do’s and don’ts for things like jargon, reading level, etc.

Logistics & Deadlines  

  • Task workflow and how to submit drafts 
  • Fees and payment details
  • Content ownership and licensing

The more meticulous and comprehensive you can be in these briefs upfront, the better the chance your writers will deliver exactly what you’re looking for on the first try.

It’s also a good practice to have a separate SEO style guide and content standards document to reference for consistent use of things like:

  • Preferred keyword cases and stylings  
  • Heading tag hierarchies and formatting
  • Internal/external linking protocols
  • Rules for citing data sources and quotes
  • Image sizing, naming and alt text specs

Facilitate Open Communication & Collaboration

Certainly, here’s a continuation of the blog post discussing ways to facilitate open communication and collaboration with your SEO writers:

Facilitate Open Communication & Collaboration

While having solid creative briefs is crucial, there will inevitably be cases where writers need additional guidance or direction during the content creation process. It’s important to foster an environment of open communication to set them up for success.

One way to do this is to implement a dedicated channel or regular check-in meetings where writers can easily get clarification on:

  • Specific requirements around target keywords, word counts, etc.
  • Confirming stylistic preferences or brand voice
  • Discussing additional subheadings or sections to include
  • Resolving any contradictory information or knowledge gaps

Encouraging this back-and-forth dialog upfront helps prevent unnecessary revisions or content that misses the mark entirely.

Another useful tactic is to leverage tools that allow for real-time collaboration and feedback, like:

  • Google Docs/Sheets for commenting and revision tracking 
  • Messaging apps like Slack or Microsoft Teams
  • Shared cloud storage for content files and assets

This level of transparency enables your SEO team to have more visibility into the writing process from the start. They can provide input and course corrections without waiting until a full draft is completed.

For example, your SEO strategist may catch that certain semantic keywords aren’t being targeted and can quickly notify the writer to include them. Or they could flag an opportunity to add a statistics callout or expert quote to improve the content’s E-A-T signals.

The key is creating an open feedback loop versus an assembly line scenario where writers simply take orders then throw drafts over the wall. The more collaborative your process, the better the end results will be.

Track Performance Metrics & Provide Feedback 

Beyond just the writing phase itself, it’s also important to holistically track the performance of the content your SEO writers produce. Actively monitoring key metrics like:

  • Organic traffic growth over time to that content
  • Average position for target focus keywords
  • Clicks, impressions and CTRs in Google Search Console
  • Engagement signals like dwell time, bounce rate, etc.
  • Lead generation or conversions driven by that content

Sharing this data with your writers accomplishes a few key things:

1. It provides objective evidence of how well their content is (or isn’t) performing for its intended goals. This incentivizes continuous improvement.

2. It highlights which specific topics, angles or content types tend to resonate best. You can double down on these successful formulas. 

3. It allows you to identify any outliers or pieces that are punching below their weight so you can troubleshoot collaboratively.

4. You can connect the dots between their writing output and tangible business impact metrics like leads and sales.

For example, let’s say you notice several new blog posts from a writer are showing up in Search Console with extremely low CTRs and average positions on Page 2. You could dig into those specific pieces and provide feedback like:

“These posts are missing the mark on keyword integration. The primary term is only mentioned a few times and not until 500 words in. We need to be more strategic about incorporating [keyword] in places like:

  • The title tag
  • The H1/introduction
  • A few paragraph headers 
  • Sprinkling [semantic keyword variations] in naturally throughout”

Or perhaps you notice that blog posts that include original data/stats and multiple expert quotes are getting much higher dwell times and engagement compared to purely text-based posts. You could encourage factoring in those content elements more regularly.

The point is to create a culture of continuous improvement and data-driven content optimization rather than just checking boxes on word counts or keywords mentioned. Leverage both quantitative and qualitative feedback loops to help your writers level up over time.

When to Outsource SEO Content Writing (and When to Hire In-House)

As a final consideration for larger companies, it’s worth evaluating whether it makes more sense financially and operationally to work with independent SEO writers versus hiring in-house content creators.

Often it can start making sense to build an internal content team as your volume of production grows. Having dedicated resources can allow for:

  • More efficient processes & feedback loops
  • Knowledge of your brand/industry accumulating over time
  • Maintaining consistent voice/quality control
  • Ability to flex up/down on production as needed
  • Employment costs averaging out over time vs. per-piece rates

However, there are still some benefits to maintaining flexible outsourced resources even with an in-house team:

  • Quickly scaling up production for bulk projects without hiring
  • Introducing fresh, outside perspectives  
  • Augmenting with specialized skills you may lack internally
  • Only paying for active content creation time vs. salaried roles
  • Avoiding employee overhead costs like benefits, office space etc.

Many companies strike a balance by keeping a lean core team in-house while relying on a pool of freelance or agency writers to supplement workloads as needed.

If you do hire internally, some tips for building a successful SEO content team include:

  • Standardizing hiring rubrics for evaluating writing/SEO skills 
  • Developing robust onboarding processes and training programs
  • Investing in relevant tools & enablement resources
  • Creating a culture of continuous learning and collaboration
  • Incentivizing and rewarding top performers

The most important factor is treating SEO writers as a core strategic function, not just another commodity creative service. The quality of your website’s content will be one of the most impactful drivers of organic growth.

Key Takeaways on Finding & Managing Great SEO Writers

This was a meaty guide covering multiple angles of sourcing, vetting, enabling, and managing talented SEO writers for your business. Let’s quickly recap a few of the most important takeaways:

What to Look For

  • Skilled writers who also have technical SEO knowledge around keyword research, content structure, metadata optimization etc.
  • Writers experienced in your specific niche/industry if possible
  • Ability to produce comprehensive, in-depth content that keeps readers engaged
  • Strategic incorporation of keywords and related semantic terms  

Where to Find SEO Writers

  • Online job boards and freelance marketplaces 
  • Niche writer marketplaces focused on SEO/marketing 
  • SEO agencies that offer content creation services
  • Leveraging your own professional network and peer referrals

How to Properly Evaluate Them

  • Request portfolio samples and run them through SEO content analysis tools
  • Issue paid test assignments to gauge their abilities firsthand  
  • Conduct interviews to assess content strategy and technical SEO know-how
  • Check reviews, references, and case studies before hiring

Enabling Them for Success

  • Provide detailed creative briefs with all necessary information upfront
  • Leverage collaboration tools for feedback loops during the writing process
  • Share performance data and insights to facilitate continuous optimization
  • Develop comprehensive content processes, workflows and style guides

When to Hire Freelance vs. In-House Writers  

  • Outsourcing allows more flexibility and scaling writing resources up/down easily  
  • Hiring in-house may be better for larger volumes, culture fit and knowledge retention

By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to building out a content engine fueled by talented SEO writers capable of attracting your target audience and moving the needle for your organic search performance.

ALSO READ : Hotel SEO Tips In Singapore: The Ultimate Guide To Dominating Search Rankings

Additional Tips for Working with SEO Writers

To wrap up, here are some final tips to consider for building successful, long-term relationships with your SEO content writers:

Treat Them As Long-Term Partners, Not Temporary Workers  

The more you can foster ongoing collaborations versus just one-off transactions, the more your writers will understand your business’s unique voice, goals, and audience over time. Provide them with assets like your company’s style guide, key messaging pillars, FAQs, and other onboarding materials.

Pay Them Well and On-Time/As-Agreed 

Content is a major driver of organic growth and leads. As such, you should be willing to compensate your writers at fair market rates comparable to their skill level. And always pay agreed-upon rates on time to maintain a respected business relationship.

Communicate Clearly on Expectations and Deadlines 

No writer likes feeling left in the dark. Set clear delivery timeframes upfront and promptly alert them to any changes or delays that could impact their schedule. Provide ample advanced notice for any upcoming content needs so they can plan their workload accordingly.

Treat Them As Subject Matter Experts 

While you’ll certainly want to provide sources, notes, and guidelines for a given topic, also allow established SEO writers room to leverage their own research, expertise and creative thinking. You’re engaging them for their specialized strategic and writing skills.

Offer Feedback in a Constructive, Actionable Way  

Nobody’s perfect, so there will inevitably be times where you need to request revisions or call out shortcomings in their work. When doing so, try to provide clear examples of what could be improved, explain the “why” behind the change, and offer potential solutions rather than vague criticisms.

By following tips like these, you’ll be well on your way to curating a remarkable team of SEO writers capable of producing the level of authoritative, engaging, and optimized content required to win in today’s highly competitive online landscape.   

I hope this comprehensive guide has provided all the insights you need for sourcing, vetting, enabling, and nurturing top-notch SEO writing talent in Singapore! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Here’s a call to action section for the blog post with a title promoting Tanya Digital as an SEO writing agency in Singapore:

Elevate Your Content Marketing with Tanya Digital’s SEO Writing Experts

If after reading this guide you’re feeling overwhelmed by the idea of finding, vetting, and managing reliable SEO writers, why not leave it to the professionals? 

Tanya Digital is a leading SEO writing agency based in Singapore, trusted by top brands to produce high-ranking, authoritative content that attracts and converts their target audiences.

Our team of seasoned SEO copywriters, bloggers, and content strategists live and breathe search engine optimization best practices. We’ll work as an extension of your marketing team to:

  • Conduct in-depth keyword research and content strategy  
  • Craft compelling, search-optimized website pages and blog posts  
  • Build out comprehensive content pillars and topic clusters
  • Optimize existing content for improved organic performance
  • Streamline efficient, collaborative content creation workflows

With a proven track record of driving sustainable organic traffic growth across diverse industries, we’re passionate about keeping up with the latest SEO writing trends and algorithm updates.

When you partner with Tanya Digital for your SEO writing needs, you’ll benefit from our comprehensive, end-to-end content marketing solutions tailored to your brand’s unique goals.

Our core SEO content services include:

SEO Blogging & Content Creation

From ideation to publication, our writers craft data-driven, keyword-targeted blog posts, guides, and articles designed to boost topical authority and search visibility. We’ll develop an editorial calendar covering topics that actually drive results for your business.

Website Page Optimization

Static website pages like your homepage, services pages, and product descriptions are prime opportunities for SEO. Our writers optimize these pages for critical ranking factors like title tags, meta descriptions, image alt text, content structure and more.

Content Pillar & Cluster Model Buildouts

We’ll plan and produce comprehensive pillar pages and supportive cluster content to position you as a topical authority in your niche. This proven SEO framework helps you earn better rankings through thorough topic coverage.

Drove Content Audits & Optimization

Already have existing content that needs a revamp? We’ll conduct line-by-line audits to identify opportunities for strategic keyword targeting, improving E-A-T signals through added multimedia or expert quotes, fixing broken links/formatting issues, and more.  

User-Friendly Content Workflows

We work within your preferred content management system and leverage tools like GatherContent and GDocs to streamline collaboration between your team and our writers. We’ll keep stakeholders looped in with agile task tracking and approval processes.

No matter which content services you require, you’ll be paired with an SEO writer perfectly suited for your industry, content type, and target audience. We have specialized writers spanning B2B, ecommerce, finance, law, healthcare, home services, software/technology, and more!

Ready to Experience the Tanya Digital difference for premium SEO writing at scale? Book a call with one of our content strategists today to discuss your needs!

Case Study: Franchise Website Sees 35% Organic Traffic Lift

To give you a taste of the results our SEO writing services can deliver, let’s review a recent case study:

The Client: A national franchise business with over 200 locations wanted to drive more qualified traffic and leads to their website through SEO content marketing.

Their Challenges:

  • Existing website pages and blog lacked consistent on-page optimization
  • They struggled to produce engaging, authoritative content at scale
  • Their in-house team had limited bandwidth/SEO writing expertise

Our SEO Content Strategy:

  1. Conducted a website+content audit to identify low-hanging fruit optimizations
  2. Built out a topic cluster model covering high-value service offerings  
  3. Created a 12-month content calendar focused on relevant local SEO terms
  4. Produced a mix of pillar pages, supporting cluster content, and blog posts
  5. Optimized all content for target keywords, user-intent, and E-A-T signals
  6. Ongoing optimization unlocking new keyword opportunities

The Results Over 18 Months:

  • 35% increase in overall organic website traffic 
  • Rankings on Page 1 for nearly 200 new target keywords
  • Over 60 new backlinks from authoritative referring domains  
  • Lead volumes directly attributed to SEO content up 48% 
  • Consistent growth in impressions and average positions in Search Console

This just scratches the surface of the success stories we’ve driven for clients through our strategic SEO writing and content marketing services! Ready to be next? Book your free consultation here.

Here’s a conclusion to wrap up the blog post:

Final Thoughts: Invest in SEO Writing for Long-Term Success

As this guide has highlighted, finding and enabling talented SEO writers should be a top priority for any business serious about driving sustainable organic growth. While it requires an upfront investment of time, effort and resources, the long-term payoffs are well worth it.

Quality, search-optimized content is one of the few true “future-proofs” in marketing. While specific SEO tactics and algorithms will continue to shift over time, Google has repeatedly doubled down on their goal of surfacing high-quality, authoritative, audience-focused content above all else.

By prioritizing SEO writing skills and building out a well-oiled content engine, you’ll ensure your website is publishing the type of material that keeps users engaged and informed while checking those all-important search ranking factor boxes.

But it’s not just about rankings and traffic. Strategic content marketing has been proven time and again to enhance other critical areas like:

  • Brand visibility and awareness
  • Customer education and nurturing 
  • Building expertise/authority/trust credentials
  • Driving targeted lead generation
  •  Improving conversion rates on key pages

So whether you take a DIY approach of hiring individual freelance writers or partner with a premium SEO content agency like Tanya Digital, don’t underestimate the compounding value of investing in a strong SEO writing program.

At the end of the day, great content marketing is what separates businesses that get short-term bursts of success from those able to build long-term, sustainable online growth. Make sure your website is fueled by writing talent with the skills to keep your audience engaged and search engines satisfied.

Here’s to producing more remarkable, revenue-driving content in 2024 and beyond! If you need any other SEO writing tips or would like to discuss our services further, don’t hesitate to reach out.


Still have some lingering questions about hiring qualified writers for your SEO content needs? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions on the topic:

What skills are most important for an SEO writer to have?

While strong general writing abilities are a must, the most crucial SEO-specific skills to look for include technical proficiency with keyword research, content structure/optimization, understanding search intent, building E-A-T/topical authority, and producing comprehensive pieces.

How much should I expect to pay SEO writers?

Based on market rates for Singapore, typical ranges are:

  • $0.03 – $0.12 per word for freelance bloggers/writers  
  • $0.10 – $0.30+ per word for experienced copywriters
  • $500 – $5,000+ per month/project for SEO agencies    

Rates can vary significantly based on factors like experience level, turnaround times, content type and more. Highly specialized skills or sought-after writers may charge premium rates.

Should I hire a freelance SEO writer or agency? 

Freelance writers can be more affordable and allow you to handpick individual talent. Agencies provide more end-to-end services but at higher price points. For low volumes, freelancers may suffice, but agencies are often better for scaling content production.

What’s the best way to evaluate SEO writing skills during the hiring process?

Request portfolio samples and run them through analysis tools, issue paid test assignments that mimic your real content needs, conduct interviews covering their SEO process/knowledge, check reviews, references and case studies.

How can I be sure I’ll get quality content from SEO writers? 

Invest upfront time into properly vetting writers through sample reviews, test assignments, and screening interviews. Once hired, provide them with detailed creative briefs, style guidelines and rubrics so expectations are crystal clear. Implement feedback loops and quality control checks before publishing content. And continuously share performance data so writers can optimize their approach over time.

What tools are helpful for SEO writers and content teams? 

For keyword research and traffic analysis, popular tools include Ahrefs, SEMRush and Google Search Console. For on-page optimization,Clearscope, MarketMuse, and SurferSEO can help ensure content meets topical coverage standards.

On the project management side, solutions like GatherContent, Trello and Asana aid in content workflows. And grammar/style tools like Grammarly, ProWritingAid, and the Hemingway Editor can help polish and refine writing.

How do I know if I should hire an in-house SEO writer or use freelancers/agencies?

Factors to consider include your ongoing content volume needs, budget, access to internal SEO expertise, ability to properly manage writers, and desire for cultural/brand alignment. In-house can allow for tighter feedback loops, knowledge share, and quality control. But freelancers provide more flexibility to scale resources up/down.

Many businesses adopt a hybrid model maintaining a lean in-house SEO content team while leveraging a pool of freelance writers or agency resources to supplement workloads as needed. This balanced approach can yield the best of both worlds.

What are typical content deliverables and turnaround times?

Reasonable turnaround times can vary significantly based on scope, content type, and writers’ availability. For freelance writers, basic timelines may be:

  • 500 word blog posts: 2-4 business days
  • 1,000+ word guides/pillars: 5-7 business days    
  • Site pages & product descriptions: 3-5 business days

Agencies capable of throwing more resources at larger projects may be able to commit to much tighter SLAs of 1-2 weeks for most content types. When discussing terms, be sure to factor in reasonable review/revision cycles into the overall timeline as well.

About the author

Digital Marketer: Facebook, Google Ads, Intagram Ads, SEO Specialist, SEO Content Writer, SEO Copywriter, Blogger

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